There’s a big difference between being afraid of something and having a phobia. Being afraid can make you feel uncomfortable while a phobia produces a response of distress or causes other impairment.

Phobias are also defined based on the lengths you go to avoid certain situations. For example, you may not take a job in an office tower because you would either have to ride an elevator or work on a high floor.

A phobia of heights or tight spaces is common, but there are dozens that you probably aren’t even aware of existing.

Martine Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing has the details on five unusual phobias that are a real thing.

  1. Phobias from a Past Life

Studies show that some people believe so strongly in reincarnation, that their fears are rooted in the belief that they suffered trauma in a past life. Someone who has a fear of flying may have an overwhelming belief that they died in a plane crash in a previous life.

  1. Fear of Fresh Air

You are probably familiar with a fear of water, but aerophobia is a fear of fresh air—more accurately the movement of air like in a breeze. While not all phobias are due to a malady, research found that the fear of moving air is a common symptom in those with rabies.

  1. Fear of Dust

While many of us have allergic reactions to dust, amathophobia takes it to another level for some people. This trauma can be something that’s acquired, as research found that it’s more likely to show up among librarians or historians—people who may be surrounded by old, dusty books.

  1. Fear of Balloons

Globophobia is something that tends to turn up in adults, as children are generally comfortable with being around balloons—even ones that pop unexpectedly. After not being around it, adults may have a fear of a balloon popping and could avoid birthday parties as a result.

  1. Fear of All Animals

Phobias surrounding snakes or spiders is common, but zoophobia is a fear of all animals. Ways this can be detrimental to a person include if they do not leave the house for fear that they will encounter an animal or having a reaction of panic or anxiety whenever they are near one.


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